The Defoe Society invites submissions for the best published essay (chapter in a book or journal article) on Daniel Defoe. The winning essay will receive $200 / £125.
Please send the published version of your essay either as an email attachment or in hard copy to Sharon Alker ( Whitman College, 345 Boyer Avenue, Walla Walla, WA. 99362. It must arrive by 1 March 2018. Applicants will be notified of the outcome by 15 May 2018.
– You must be a member in good standing of the Defoe Society. Join here for $35 (faculty) / $10 (student). Society membership is also required for attendance at the biennial conference.
– As well as self-nominations, members are welcome to nominate another person’s essay, though it will only be considered for the prize if the nominee has joined the Society by the deadline.
– The essay must have been published (in English) with a 2016 or 2017 imprint.
– It must deal substantially with any aspect of Defoe’s life or writings, but does not have to be exclusively on Defoe.
– Members of the sub-committee judging the prize are ineligible.
The prize will be judged by a committee comprising members of the Defoe Society Executive Board. The judges reserve the right not to award a prize or to award it jointly (splitting the award). Please direct queries to